Limassol Chamber Mission to Milan
18:30 - 06 Ιουλίου 2015

The conference featured presentations by experts on issues pertaining to research and innovation, with particular reference to the application of new technologies within cities and urban areas in general. The main objective of these technologies is the enhancement of living standards, the introduction of environmentally friendly and innovative practices and the contribution to energy saving. At the same time, presentations of European Union-compatibles were conducted, offering information as regards successful case studies and applications that had already contributed to bringing about better services for citizens. The speakers included representatives of the UK Trade & Investment, the Municipalities of Milan and Bristol, the Lloyds of London, the Future Cities Catapult, and of companies such as Enel SpA, Atkins και UPS.
In accordance to the policy of the Chamber for the investigation of new prospects for cooperation, networking with foreign organisations and opening up new business opportunities for Chamber members by means of participation in European Programmes, the LCCI delegates held individual meetings with several of the Conference participants. They also had the opportunity to visit the FabriQ incubator.
On the occasion of their presence in Milan, the Chamber delegates also visited EXPO Milan, which opened to the public on May 1 and will remain open till the end of October, with the participation of more than 145 countries. The EXPO operates under the title “Feeding the Planet, Energy for life”, and aims to promote objectives like healthy eating and the environmental and socioeconomic sustenance of the food chain.