LCCI praises initiative aimed at enchancing water consiousness

Basing on its strong belief that Cyprus - being as it is vulnerable to periodic spells of drought - is in need of enhancing and consolidating water consciousness, the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry has praised the active participation of the Limassol Water Board in promoting the international Stockholm Junior Water Prize in Cyprus.

The initiative is an international competition open to high school students which focuses on issues pertaining to upgrading living standards by improving the quality of water, enhancing the management of water resources and water treatment, and evaluating all water-related social parameters.

Contestants are called upon to produce written studies and well-documented suggestions on water-related issues. The first stage of the competition will take place at a national level in each country (including Cyprus). The winners will then be invited to represent their country in the world final which is held every year in Stockholm, under the auspices of the International Water Institute, based in the Swedish capital.

A preliminary expression of interest to participate in the 2016 competition should be submitted to the Limassol Water Board by October 9, 2015. 

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