LCCI: Great new prospects for Limassol port

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry has commended yesterday’s move by the House of Representatives to facilitate privatization procedures for the commercial operations of the Limassol port.

“We view that as very positive news, paving the way for the revitalization and further development of Limassol port, and of the Cyprus maritime industry in general,” the LCCI said in a statement. “With the upcoming involvement and support of a private investor, the port of Limassol will be provided with a dynamic new momentum, which will considerably enhance its competitiveness, to the benefit of our country.”

The LCCI looks forward to a speedy completion of the process that the House has set in motion, as well at the to the anticipated and very promising upgrading of port  services that will follow, a development which is fully in line with the basic objectives of the Chamber.

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