C. Galatariotis: The three goals of the Limassol Chamber

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently launched its business and economic newsletter, entitled “Entrepreneurial Limassol.”

As Chairman Costas Galatariotis said, “in addition to promoting the work and activities of the Chamber, the newsletter aims to provide information on all economic and business developments in Limassol, from new products launched by companies based in the District, to business meetings, interviews with executives in Limassol, and company presentations”.

Mr. Galatariotis said that the new Board has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the Cyprus Techno Park will be built at the Pentakomo area, as initially decided. “This project, which is of major importance for research and innovation, is well on the way to implementation and tenders on the basis of the ΒΟΤ model are expected to be announced in the coming weeks. Our Chamber believes that the Techno Park will attract R&D and innovation from Cyprus and abroad”.

Secondly, he said that the Chamber has also been active in support of expanding the land area of Limassol port, with the addition of some 260,000 square metres in the area known locally as Merras Zakakiou. 

Thirdly, he noted that the Chamber has been closely following all developments relating to the government’s decision to allow a single casino-resort in Cyprus. 

Finally, Mr. Galatariotis referred to the Limassol Branding Project, which has already been placed under the auspices of the Chamber. 

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