LCCI, Limassol District Office discuss mutual cooperation

Issues of concern to Limassol city, and Limassol District were discussed during a recent meeting of LCCI President Costas Galatariotis with the new head of the Limassol District Office Kyriakos Tsolakis.

The LCCI president congratulated Mr. Tsolakis on his recent appointment as Limassol District Officer and referred to the excellent cooperation that has always existed between the Chamber and the District Office. Mr. Tsolakis referred to the decisive role that the business community is called upon to play at the current difficult economic juncture, pointing out that it is the private sector that will spearhead economic development. Public sector finances, he continued, have been squeezed as a result of the economic crisis and this is also evident at the level of the District Office, where certain funds that were previously be used to support development are no longer available.

Mr. Galatariotis noted that it goes without saying that there has to be fiscal discipline but, at the same time, the state should provide the impetus for public works, which will facilitate the whole effort towards economic development. 

Mr. Galatariotis and Mr.Tsolakis discussed issues such as the Pentakomo Techno Park, with the LCCI President briefing the District officer about the initiatives undertaken by the Chamber in this regard. Reference was also made to the expansion of the land area of Limassol port with the acquisition of the land known as locally  “Zakaki Merras”, which is currently in the pipeline, as well as to the developmental needs of rural Limassol and the role played by the Limassol District Development Company, in which the Chamber is represented in the post of Vice President.

The District Officer accepted an invitation to be present at one of the upcoming meetings of the Chamber Board.


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